Sort of a conclusion

About 8 years ago, when I started this quasi-blog, rather a collection of a few articles regarding education, didn’t think much of the future. What do we know? Only God can control the times…

Now I believe the moment has come to write a short description of how things evolved, talking about the three kids who got educated a lot with music and Medieval music in particular.

As I explained years ago, being very worried about what the best education would be, I insisted on music more than anything else, with a lot of accent on Fairy Tale music – Medieval and Renaissance – and also some rock, carefully filtered.

It seems that it worked out better than expected. All three kids grew up very well. Here is a short story for each:

Stefan: at the age of 12 he had recorded a quick live performance playing on 12 instruments!. He never went to school!. We chose home-schooling, with great results. At age 14, Stefan passed SAT test with a high score (1470 out of max 1600) and was ready to start college. Because of financials and other issues we had to move out of US, and for three years, Stefan quit homeschooling. He got busy with various things (part time jobs, sports, continuing learning stuff by himself and of course working a suite of compositions when they released two more albums) Finally at 17 he enrolled in an online community college, after passing the accu-placer test. Then, after one year in college, he had to take the GED test in order to acquire a valid high-school diploma (needed for financial aid). He passed with high score, of course, and when he will turn 19, next year Stefan will finish the two year college and have an associate IT degree. The reason that he didn’t pursue Harvard or MIT is the lack of trust in modern curricula. A diploma means very little. Stefan plans to try some private business and also continue writing songs, in the hope of improving somehow the bad music taste of the majorities today.

Olga: homeschooled and then entered Highview – a private school in Maine and won the essay contest for the state of Maine! Also, at 16, she is already taking college courses: Anatomy, Psychology and even Advanced Algebra.

Cornelia: at 14 she also entered the Highview school and is getting best results in Math and essay writing – won 2nd place on the state of Maine!

These three kids’ successful development – with God’s help – is quite a proof that music education works. Regarding this topic here is the Stefan’s research work for the psychology course in college…
As a conclusion: early music education, with instruments better, helps the children minds and, especially for the people of European descent, the organic brain structure requires a choice of Medieval and Baroque music. Also very careful with the modern music, preferably filtered rock (not frivolous, not shake-butt, not evil).
Then the children will grow up smart, with high IQ, bright. However this is not an automatic recipe for success in earthly life, because unfortunately the establishment does not seem to care for gifted kids. They have a different agenda. I can tell from experience – our kids’ band never received any support from mass media or else.

But they keep on doing it. Stay in touch with CMB activity…Here is one of their last recordings: a cover of a Rammstein song – heavy with medieval flavor:

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